Posts by Cheli

  • Am I a SUB or a SLAVE? (272)

         My husband I have a good sex life but soon after retiring from the military it seemed as if something was lacking. I tired different things sexually from having sex everyday to some bondage, it worked for a few weeks but soon after it sizzled out.  Don't get me wrong we have a great relationship but i felt something was lacking sexually.  Before it was wild and crazy sex night after night i was getting fucked hard and regular. I assumed it was the lack of excitement from him being deployed a lot and his...

  • Shared (268)

      My husband an I have discussed about having a 3 some, and have tried it but some of the guys were nervous and went limp. others were just too nervous. One night as we lay in bed sweating and panting after making love in our bedroom for hours it seemed, hubby mentioned he should bring in a releif guy for when he is tired out. Well one night he tied me up nude spread in our bed and then blindfolded me,. He started to play with me by giving me oral satifaaction and teasing me by puting the head...

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